The Heretic Christian
When you feel called, when reading books and church and rote prayers are just not enough, when you long for Him, to be with Him, or if you've had an extraordinary experience and you found no one else seems to understand, possibly including you, yourself, I am reaching out to you, so that the Elect can find and support each other.
Jesus of Nazareth was declared a heretic, in fact, an "arch heretic" by the highest authorities in Israel. He was expelled from the Temple and declared anathema along with His followers, all sentenced to death. To believe Him, to believe there is no hell as we commonly think of it and know He never said so, to know all will be saved, to know "eternal life" means we simply move from this material existence to Eternity because there is no death, makes me and others who follow the Savior's Gospel "heretics."
What the Gehenna?
Julian of Norwich, mystic and contemplative, in speaking about receiving visions and revelations from God said: "...measure these experiences according to the worship they accrue to God and the profit to your fellow Christians..."
Revelations of Divine Love [free PDF] Julian of Norwich
I never shared much about my own experiences. I considered it all personal. But now, having read what Julian said, maybe I'm wrong or maybe it's time, because the God that loves us knows right now, we need the True Gospel. I share my experiences and others' and tell you what the most recognized mystics have revealed again and again over 2000 years.
CLOUD OF UNKNOWING Evelyn Underhill edition - free
It's time, in this day of international insta-communication and worldwide tribulation to spread the good news to all people, as Jesus said. This podcast is for the called, the Elect—anyone who longs to be oned with the Absolute—the unfathomable Love and Light that we call God.
The Heretic Christian
Between the Resurrection and the Gospels was the Didachē.
The Didachē: the 50A.D. instruction for following Jesus’ Way
Kindle Edition
The Didachē [teaching] is the foundational Christian text from 50A.D..
The origins of the Didachē lie with Paul and Barnabus as presented to the 1st Ecumenical council at Jerusalem where all ties between following the Way of Christ and the Jewish 2nd Temple Law were severed.
Symbolic severing⬆
"Let every one who comes in the name of the Lord be received; but if they ask for money, they are trafficking upon Christ. ... Beware of such men." - the Didachē
That's Kyrie's (my) not-so-subtle way of saying I have zero interest in what Bart Ehrman says (behind a paywall) or a YT video says (Subscribe!) or somebody posting on a forum about this newly-published book I posted a link to.
No one can pray your prayers for you, no one can take your consequences for you, no one can love your neighbor for you. This is the Way of the Savior. This is what Apostles died for. This is what we are still fighting - lies against truth.
"For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers ... Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses, teaching things which they ought not, for filthy lucre's sake. ... Wherefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith; not giving heed to Jewish fables, and commandments of men, that turn from the truth." - Titus 1
Nothing has changed.
This episode is about eight-and-a-half minutes of unedited Kyrie. She did take the coughing out. Plenty of time left for you to read for yourself what the 1st century converts heard from the mouths of Apostles.
CLOUD OF UNKNOWING Evelyn Underhill edition - free
The Didache [free PDF] Or from Amazon, .99 or K.U. The Didachē is the first foundational Christian text from the first century. This book explores the origins of the Didache which laid the foundation for a unified and organized Apostolic Church. Lost for a 1500 years, found in the New Testament of the 4th century the Codex Sinaiticus.
Revelations of Divine Love [free PDF] Julian of Norwich
What the Gehenna?
The Collected Works of St. John of the Cross