The Heretic Christian
CHRISTIAN SPIRITUALITY, CONTEMPLATION, MYSTICISM AND PROPHECY. When you feel called, when a Book or a church or rote prayers are not enough, when you long to be with Him, or if you've had an extraordinary experience and no one else seems to understand, possibly including you, I get that.
Jesus of Nazareth was declared a heretic, in fact, an "arch heretic" by the highest authorities in Israel. He was banned from the Temple and declared anathema along with His followers, all sentenced to death. To believe Him, to believe there is no hell as we commonly think of it and know He never said so, to know all will be saved, to know "eternal life" means we simply move from this material existence to Eternity because there is no death, makes me and others who follow the Savior's Gospel "heretics."
What the Gehenna?
Julian of Norwich, mystic and contemplative, in speaking about receiving visions and revelations from God said: "...measure these experiences according to the worship they accrue to God and the profit to your fellow Christians..."
Revelations of Divine Love [free PDF] Julian of Norwich
I never shared much about my own experiences. I considered it all personal. But now, having read what Julian said, maybe I'm wrong or maybe it's time, because the God that loves us knows right now, we need the True Gospel. I share my experiences and others' and tell you what the most recognized mystics have revealed again and again over 2000 years.
CLOUD OF UNKNOWING Evelyn Underhill edition - free
It's time, in this day of international insta-communication and worldwide tribulation to spread the good news to all people, as Jesus said. This podcast is for the called, the Elect—anyone who longs to be oned with the Absolute—the unfathomable Love and Light that we call God.
The Heretic Christian
John of the Cross: Transcending all Knowledge
"Some spiritual fathers are likely to be a hindrance and harm rather than a help to these souls that journey on this road. Such directors have neither understanding nor experience of these ways. ... Hence, it is arduous and difficult for a soul in these periods of the spiritual life when it cannot understand itself or find anyone else who understands it. It will happen to individuals that while they are being conducted by God along a sublime path of dark contemplation and aridity, in which they feel lost and filled with darknesses, trials, conflicts, and temptations, they will meet someone who, in the style of Job's comforters [Jb. 4:8-11], will proclaim that all of this is due to melancholia, depression, or temperament, or to some hidden wickedness, and that as a result God has forsaken them. Therefore the usual verdict is that these individuals must have lived an evil life since such trials afflict them." --St. John of the Cross
John doesn't pull any punches. He was born in 1542, but I've read more posts on Reddit that express this very belief in sad souls about themselves, than there were contemplatives that John directed.
We need him.
I'm Kyrie Dicentis and I teach contemplative prayer, also called the Prayer of Faith or the prayer of quiet. I fairly good at teaching it, but once a person starts down that path, once hey have had their first experience of the Divine, their life changes forever.
Their interior life. Exterior life, or as we say online IRL, doesn't. At least not right away. Contemplation is the trailhead and the path up the Light is long and arduous. But what can we do? Once you have known God, and that experiencing has revealed that you are really clueless about what God is, all you want is to be with Him. That's when we need spiritual direction.
But St. John of the Cross was a master and still is because he guides us even now. In this Episode, you will meet him. He'll tell us how we wander off the Way. And in the next St. John episode, how to get back in the path. This I know:
God will never leave you and you are not evil or unforgiveable. You are His beautiful and beloved child.
The Collected Works of St. John of the Cross Includes The Ascent of Mount Carmel, The Dark Night, and more.
Contact: kyriedicentis@gmail.com
CLOUD OF UNKNOWING Evelyn Underhill edition - free
Revelations of Divine Love [free PDF] Julian of Norwich
What the Gehenna?
The Collected Works of St. John of the Cross