The Heretic Christian Mystic

S2:Visions E2: BUBBLES—the Eternal Connection

For from the greatness and the beauty of created things, their Original Author, by analogy, is seen. Wisdom 13:5

BUBBLES. The first thing I did for this episode is make the title card that goes with it. I hope you can see it. If not, I have a post for the episode image here.

The simple topic is our connectedness to God. The subtext is Universalism - all shall be reconciled to Him. Let's listen to Saint Isaac:   

"This is the mystery: that all creation by means of One, has been brought near to God in a mystery; then it is transmitted to all; thus all is united to Him...This action was performed for all of creation; there will, indeed, be a time when no part will fall short of the whole." Saint Isaac the Syrian, 7th century.

So much of what we are given in our moments of connection is lost when we try to express the unexpressable in language. Much is also lost when we translate from one language to another. But this last thought was repeated by Julian centuries later.

From Saint Isaac we learn the simplicity of Our Lord's most profound teachings, that works in any language:

"As a handful of sand thrown into the ocean, so are the sins of all flesh as compared with the mind of God; as a fountain that flows abundantly is not dammed by a handful of earth, so the compassion of the Creator is not overcome by the wickedness of the creatures... "

How arrogant do we have to be to believe we can alter God? That we can make Divine Love, not loving? Our real problem is, we can say we believe but mostly we don't believe God is in us. And that we are as much God as the Incarnate Jesus if we follow Him.

Here's a link to a You Tube video about how bubbles hang together and just how thin but strong that barrier is.

TEXT Kyrie here.

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