The Heretic Christian

2.5 Issues in Contemplation

Kyrie Dicentis Season 1 Episode 3

(They  wouldn't let me make it episode 2.5 in the list, so just go with the title.)

Before embarking on a practice of contemplative prayer, there are three things you should know:

1. What dryness is.
2. What spiritual jealousy is.
3. Why might consolations can vary widely.

Kyrie, who likes chatting better than podcasting as she is no professional talker of things recorded as is obvious from the clinking of the spoon in the teacup,  presents this shortish Bonuscast before Episode 3, the Contemplation Primer. 

Or whatever she might decide to call it when she actually records it, during which she stops talking about herself in 3rd person. 

TEXT Kyrie here.

CLOUD OF UNKNOWING Evelyn Underhill edition - free
The Didache [free PDF] Or from Amazon, .99 or K.U. The Didachē is the first foundational Christian text from the first century. This book explores the origins of the Didache which laid the foundation for a unified and organized Apostolic Church. Lost for a 1500 years, found in the New Testament of the 4th century the Codex Sinaiticus.
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The Collected Works of St. John of the Cross

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