The Heretic Christian

2. Being His Gospel; Bringing Christ into the World

Kyrie Dicentis Season 1 Episode 2

The difference between Religion and Mysticism is the difference between Faith and Knowledge.

JOHN 14:24
"Whoever does not love me does not keep my words; yet the word you hear is not mine but that of the Father who sent me." 

In this Episode, Kyrie deals with the question: "If we are Elect and know that because we can connect with the Transcendent, what are we supposed to do with that? We are still living this life, we still have dishes to wash and change oil in our cars and buy or receive birthday presents. Walk dogs, scoop litter, cut grass.... what's the point beyond knowing?"

JOHN 14:20
"On that day you will know I am in my Father and you are in me and I in you."

......What day is the Savior referring to? What will finally bring all the disciples to knowledge, what is the primary understanding anyone, everyone, must have:

JOHN 14:2-3
"In my Father’s house, there are many dwelling places. If there were not, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you, and as I go and prepare a place for you, I will return again, and then I will take you to myself, so that where I am, you also may be."

......Eternal life. The belief is widespread now, but then, it was a claim akin to a present-day belief in Bigfoot.

JOHN 14:16-17

"And I will ask the Father, and he will give another Advocate to you, so that he may abide with you for eternity: the Spirit of Truth, whom the world is not able to accept, because it neither perceives him nor knows him. But you shall know him. For he will remain with you, and he will be in you."

......Okaaaaay - so now what?

(eta: SIGOURNEY WEAVER!! - you'll get it if you listen....KT)

TEXT Kyrie here.

Podcast not monetized. Links and more:
Companion Blog: (You do not need a Google account to read or comment r correct the Host.)
The Didache: [free PDF] From the 50A.D. 1st Council of Jerusalem led by James the Just, Peter and John—the oldest official statement of the Faith and practices for followers of the Savior, Jesus Christ. Used widely during the Apostolic Age, lost for a 1000 years, and found in the New Testament of oldest existing Bible: the Codex Sinaiticus.
Revelations of Divine Love [free PDF] Julian of Norwich
What the Gehenna?

{ 0:12 }
When Mary Magdalene had a vision of Jesus and asked him, “Is it the spirit or the soul that sees the vision?” 

Jesus said, “Neither. It is the mind that is between the soul and the spirit. The Spirit in us is the Spirit of God. That's the oneness. But even Julian of Norwich realized in the end, what her vision was doesn't matter because we are saying the same thing. But we are saying it in different ways and hearing it in different ways and conceiving it in different ways. Because what is in your brain is not the same as what is in mine.

{ 0:57 }
And God and eternity are completely unfathomable. That is what the cloud of unknowing is in The Cloud of Unknowing in In the book, she talks about the fact that the cloud is always there. As long as we are alive on earth, as long as we are physical, it's impossible for us to apprehend the totality of the Absolute. As we become closer and closer to Him, as our spirits are fed and our souls are strengthened and healed, we are more congruent with His will. We don't do it on purpose. I mean, we might want to, we might say, well, I would like to be a better person. I would like to serve God better. And we may say these things and certainly mean them. 

The more we are as Him, the more we are oned with Him.

{ 1:57 }
We evolve, we grow, and that's how we grow: and we just don't want it. We just don't want it. We don't want to be overwhelmed with stuff. We, we don't want to do any harm to anyone. We just don't. We don't have to be full time somewhere in a convent or a monastery contemplatives for this to be true. This is also what Julian knew. 

Anyway, let me tell you about God's sense of humor and my Hollywood vision. That's what I call it. So I'm trying to remember. Oh, OK, I was, excuse me, I'm getting my tea and sometimes I wander away from the microphone. So I was in an adoration room.

{ 2:46 }
For you who are not Catholic, that means that I was in a room that was just dedicated to sitting with the Lord, the Eucharist, which is the body of Christ or the blood. But in these cases, it will be the body of Christ, which just looks like a piece of wafer, but it's consecrated by faith and by Jesus obviously, because we can't do it ourselves. So He is there. 

Now, if you don't believe this, it's OK because our faith is that He is there and He's here anyway. He's sitting right. I mean, he's right here listening to me do this, and he's right there with you listening to you. Listen to me. Let's do the Hollywood vision. Now, it occurs to me that there are people out in the world, surprisingly, who are so young they have never seen the movie “Alien!” 

So I'm praying, I am on my knees. I am on a kneeler. My back is straight, my hands are on the Pew in front of me, and my sponsor is next to me in the Pew. And in this room, which is a small Chapel, there may be a dozen more people.

{ 3:59 }
And if you do want to go and do a prayer of faith and you happen to have an adoration room handy, I cannot recommend any better or spiritually safer environment than that. … I was doing contemplation there, when I was on the deck of a spaceship. That's where I was. I was on this, the deck of the spaceship in this movie. I know she's [the alien] coming and I look around and up on a … on like another level is this robot loader.

{ 4:34 }
Now, what this is, is an exoskeleton. A big three times the size of a human being exoskeleton, metal, that you get into like if you're on a construction site and you're scooping up something or lifting a giant crane or whatever, and you just drive it around and it walks and you like be the limbs and stuff and it picks up very heavy things that no one, no human could ever lift and moves them from one place to another. [Go to this blog page for pictures] But in this case, she runs in, in the picture, that's Ripley. What- what the heck's that actress's name? Anyway. 

So Ripley runs in, she gets in the, she gets in the loader and I do the same thing. Here's the thing to understand about visions. You don't know anything else. You don't know your … it's not like you're thinking, wait a minute, I'm in church. What? What am I doing here? No, there's no other reality. This is all there is during the vision. 

I go and get in the loader because I know that I can fight her off from there 'cause I saw Ripley do it in the movie. And then I realize I have no idea how to work the controls. I mean, it was a special effect. There aren't any real controls. Come on. And here comes the Alien. And that was very real. And since I or Ripley had just taken a flamethrower to all her eggs, she was not real thrilled and she was going to kill me.

{ 6:00 }
And I start moving levers and doing things and trying. And then I will fend her off. And very soon, very, very soon, within seconds, I realize that she is being fended off. But the controls are moving by themselves; I don't have to do anything. The … it's the thing itself is fighting her off. So I let go and I sit back and I keep my arms in. I cross my hands over my chest and …

I'm back in the adoration room. And then I laugh. I just laughed. And 12 people turned around and looked at me, including my fairly horrified sponsor. So I got up and I whispered, “I'm going outside. You, you finish up. Take your time.” Because I was pretty freaked out. Look, there's no magic, OK?

{ 6:59 }
There's no, there's nothing we cannot—science will not—at some point be able to explain. Understand there's no magic when Jesus multiplied the loaves and fishes. I can tell you that there have been many food miracles over time in modern times. I can tell you that there's not a thing that we ever read in Scripture that's what we consider a miracle. A miracle is just something that breaks the Newtonian rules, but Newton's rules are pretty basic. 

So I'm talking to my sponsor and I tell her what happened. And like I said, I'm new. I mean, this is like my second or third type of experience. And she says, well, what do you think it means? Because she accepts this.

{ 7:51 }
I think I mentioned in the first podcast that this is a very spiritual church I was in and miracles were not unusual with these people. She didn't doubt for a minute my experience and I said, I have absolutely no idea because I was, I couldn't even think. I was still so freaked out. Now for me in my life, you might hear that you might have heard what I just said and you might think, Oh! and think and and have a revelation yourself, or an insight. Let's just call it that. But it might not be what I knew from it, what I knew He was trying to tell me, which is sit back, keep your arms inside the windows, and let me handle it. Trust me, I will handle the evil. 

That's extremely difficult to do when you have as many control issues as I have. You guys might have a few yourselves. That was a very hard lesson and I'm still learning it.

{ 8:56 }
I still want to go do something when I see bad things. Now, what is the point of having all of this? If we can't do something when we see bad things, why can't we go fix that? Let's go fix that. 

We are called to something better. We are Mary. We are not Martha. We are called to something very high, very special and very profound, and I'm not going to wait 23 podcasts to tell you what that is. I'm just going to tell you. And you'll know if it's right for you, you'll feel it. You'll realize somehow that fits for me. This is the profound thing. We can look at scripture and I probably will be putting the scripture out for you. It's in John all sort of altogether, but this is what our job is:

{ 9:58 }
Our job is to bring God into time. That's our job. We don't know what God is, but we do know if we have had a connection with him. But this is pure love. This is a thing you can't describe, this acceptance. But the other thing that I know from another experience I had that wasn't a vision but was an actual physical thing that happened to me is that if you look up into that sky from the top of a mountain at night without a cloud anywhere, which I have, by the way, I've lived in Colorado, all those galaxies, including our own, all the quasars, all the black holes, all the multiple everythings in that endless space are nothing—one single dandelion seed floating on the wind in comparison to the power of God.

{ 10:58 }
And I am not kidding even a little. It is. Once again, there are no words. It's everything. He's everything he showed Julian. Was it Julian? Yes. He showed Julian in her hand a hazelnut and said that's the universe and it is in me. I have it inside. I'm taking care of it. And all will be well …and all will be well … and everything will be well. He has us and we have Him. So what's our job? Bring Christ to the world. Bring God to the world, bring that energy of the everything into our nothingness. 

We do that with prayer. We also do it every time we do a selfless act, a truly selfless act.

{ 11:59 }
We do it in many, many ways, with every sacrifice, with all compassion. But we are called; we are the elect. And this is a special job. This is Mary's job, to sit and listen to the Lord, the very act of letting go of everything. Now I am going to give you a quote from a person who was posting online in a thread about contemplation and visionary experiences, and she said “A bond to anything creates separation from God, including the attachment to God himself, to the divine itself.”

How can that be?

{ 12:55 }
We cannot be attached to anything unless we are imagining that it is a thing. As soon as we make God into something, anything, even … even what I've said and I hardly say anything, we -  we're defining, we are limiting God and we are attached to that. 

The Hindu have a saying, a definition for God, which is I hope I remember this correctly. If anyone out there knows better, please correct me. Neti neti NETI-NETI means not this, not this. If you could go through the entire universe and point to every single thing that you can see, feel, smell, perceive and say not this, what was left would be God. You have the Spirit of the Lord within you. Jesus said that the Father is in me.

{ 13:59 }
I am in the Father, I am in you, I am in You. I will ask him to send the Advocate who will be in you and you will know. What we bring into time is real. It's real energy, It's a real thing. And that real thing is that in these quantum quantities, these tiny infinitesimal quantities, is 1000 times stronger than any amount of evil and darkness. We will keep the worst of what could happen in the coming tribulation from being as bad as it could be.

{ 14:44 }
It is still going to be bad, but it's also not going to be as bad as it could be if the elect will recognize themselves, believe in themselves, realize that it is not ego, it is not narcissism to know that you're called.

I'm going to read to you. From Evelyn Underhill's introduction to Cloud of Unknowing, where she quotes Julian. “Here is no taint of quietism, no invitation to a spiritual limpness. ‘From first to glad last, deliberate work is demanded from the initiate.’ Over and over the emphasis is laid on the active aspect of all true spirituality.”  

Quote, “Do forth ever more and more, so that thou be ever doing. True, the will alone, however ardent and industrious, cannot of itself set up a communion with the supernal world.

{ 15:59 }
This is the work of only God, specially wrought in what soul that Him liketh. But people can and must do their part.” End Quote. 

Giving you instruction, specific instruction in engaging in the prayer of faith, in contemplation sometimes scares people. They think they're going to be called to give up their lives, change something radically, do only one thing all the time, divorce their husbands or wives and run off and join a convent, convert to Catholicism, be in a monastery. And these little books were meant for the distribution to housewives, those who came to Julian's window.

{ 16:58 }
She knew she could not openly preach to them what her visions showed her. Not after in 1401 England passed a law that said burn heretics at the stake. Her understanding was that all will be saved. That was very clear; that was His message to her. That was God's message to her. All will be saved in the end. 

All will be well. And then some scribe, because her original work did not survive her—her very original when she was 30 years old and had her visions and wrote them down, that didn't survive. The scribe that copied her original added in a statement, supposedly by Julian, that said she subscribed to all of the teachings of the Catholic Church.

{ 17:57 }
The Catholic Church was the only Christian Church there was in England at the time. When you yourselves now free in almost any place my voice can reach anyway, to believe as you wish, to experience what you do. 

When I was so strongly called that, I could not deny it and started doing it. I didn't want to do anything else. Every single day, I went to the church … for a long time. It was like being a drug addict and I didn't always have some fabulous experience or anything. I just wanted to be with Him so much. It's like being in a desert and longing for water, and every day is a desert and every day you want the water. 

Very practical instructions are coming. Doing a, a kind of, I wish I knew what I was trying to say, doing an inventory. There you go. There's a good word.

{ 18:53 }
Doing a self-inventory of how any of this that I have said in only two episodes is affecting you. Does this seem like … wait, I think I this might be what I was looking for

If any of this resonates with you, if you have already had your experiences and you're looking for validation, more validation, then you may not need the instruction. But it might be good to hear it because it will validate you, or it might give you answers to questions that you don't feel you can ask anyone else. The instructions aren't magically esoteric somehow. They’re not complex or complicated. The instructions are simple: Yearn for God. 

It's not really hard to do, and believe me, it's a very active thing, sitting there listening to Jesus Christ.  Mary with her total focus, her rejection of everything around her, probably didn't even realize there was anything around her. 

Taking all of that in. Just sitting through a lecture in college or high school is hard enough and paying attention, but having someone literally send energy into your physical brain? And you? Directing energy, physical energy from yourself. It's work. It's the work of God. 

Any time you reach for Him, it's prayer. Any time you yearn for Him, it's prayer. Any time you do anything, when you long for Him, He longs for you, and you are joined whether you know it or not. 

The peace of Christ be with you … wisdom of the Holy Spirit be with you … and the unbelievable, unfathomable love of the Father be with you.

I'll talk to you soon.

 --- End of transcript ---